ノア・センティネオのインスタグラム(ncentineo) - 12月23日 00時15分

I’ve never been into brand deals because I dislike the idea of becoming an advertisement. BUT when @エディー・バウアー reaches out to me and says they want to take me and my two brothers on an adventure trip across the world to Spain and Morocco....saying no was not an option. Over the past 3 days we’ve rock climbed massive cliffs, ascended the 3rd largest volcano in the world, and went on a 5 hour canyoneering expedition that is ending in a long van ride home which is where I’m reporting to you now. More than just the wildness of the past 3 days, I’ve learned so much about technical apparel, safety, trusting myself, pushing myself and just how much I love these two fuckers here with me. But there’s one last aspect to this massive rant that I’m shocked you’re still reading...I’ve acquired a new passion for these sports and if it wasn’t for @エディー・バウアー giving me this opportunity..that would not have happened. Thank you so much for these experiences, lessons and passions that I won’t soon forget about.



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




