.. eat your own spaceship.. so YAY!!! Christmas On Mars came out 10 years ago..but..unless you have the DVD I think it is almost impossible to actually watch it. For awhile it was available on IFC and I think Netflix for a bit.. but.. I always worried about it being watched by unsuspecting kids thinking that it’s a Christmas movie but it’s set in outer space::: which it is but:: it really is a fucked Up ,depressing and disturbing and awkward weird -ass movie and I feel it might shock some young teenagers if they decided to watch it in between, let’s say, A Christmas Story and It’s a Wonderful Life...ha.. it’s meant for adults and even a lot of them ( adult humans) might think it ( Christmas On Mars) goes too far.. it is tooo violent. Too anti-religious. There’s tooo much cussing.. There’s too many dead babies and there’s toooo many vaginas... so we decided to not have it OUT in the world as of a couple years ago .. but:::I hope someday to be able to take it around and show it the way we intended it to be experienced.. When it was first released we showed it at festivals and indie-film houses.. at the festivals we would build a giant tent with the walls on the inside painted black. We set up benches for about 300 viewers and played the movie through a loud-as-fuck stereo system with really really loud sub-woofers.. @stevendrozd @theadamgoldberg @steveburnsalive @sordociego @scott_booker @mtekbot @irreversibility @nelecalo @mrdylanb @katyweaver @tannermariehull @ettyfarrell @ethanhawke @callingcascade #spongebobbroadway #flaminglipsconcert #flaminglips #waynecoyne #theflaminglips

waynecoyne5さん(@waynecoyne5)が投稿した動画 -

ウェイン・コインのインスタグラム(waynecoyne5) - 12月21日 16時36分

.. eat your own spaceship.. so YAY!!! Christmas On Mars came out 10 years ago..but..unless you have the DVD I think it is almost impossible to actually watch it. For awhile it was available on IFC and I think Netflix for a bit.. but.. I always worried about it being watched by unsuspecting kids thinking that it’s a Christmas movie but it’s set in outer space::: which it is but:: it really is a fucked Up ,depressing and disturbing and awkward weird -ass movie and I feel it might shock some young teenagers if they decided to watch it in between, let’s say, A Christmas Story and It’s a Wonderful Life...ha.. it’s meant for adults and even a lot of them ( adult humans) might think it ( Christmas On Mars) goes too far.. it is tooo violent. Too anti-religious. There’s tooo much cussing.. There’s too many dead babies and there’s toooo many vaginas... so we decided to not have it OUT in the world as of a couple years ago .. but:::I hope someday to be able to take it around and show it the way we intended it to be experienced.. When it was first released we showed it at festivals and indie-film houses.. at the festivals we would build a giant tent with the walls on the inside painted black. We set up benches for about 300 viewers and played the movie through a loud-as-fuck stereo system with really really loud sub-woofers.. @stevendrozd @theadamgoldberg @steveburnsalive @フレッド・アーミセン @scott_booker @mtekbot @irreversibility @nelecalo @mrdylanb @katyweaver @tannermariehull @ettyfarrell @ethanhawke @callingcascade #spongebobbroadway #flaminglipsconcert #flaminglips #waynecoyne #theflaminglips


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