タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 12月20日 18時26分

Are you helping..? Or are you in the way...? I’m going to spark another #GrownTalk dialogue..... Do you have any idea how important you ARE to me achieving what God has put on my HEART to accomplish... You think I just need someone just be here just because.....?? When is the last time the one you’re with actually PRAYED for you DREAMS and HEARTS DESIRES to come true...??? Dreamers talk about their dreams and visions everyday...... Are you even aware of HOW CRUCIAL YOU ARE to me staying encouraged to accomplish this dream..?? Ladies I’m talking to you..?? fellas.....?? You there..?? Are you in a relationship with your greatest champion or your biggest HATER...?? I’m so lucky my wife and Queen has been there every step of the way...... I told her you’re my unexpected Coretta.... tag 3 people that are your greatest champions and encouragement!!!!! You don’t wanna be another dude SICK AS HELL cause you let your Beyonce pass you by cause you’re hating on her DREAMS!!!! How many more GOOD DUDES are you gonna just let go... And watch him get married and start a family ( faithful ) loving JESUS!!! He was EVERYTHING and you let him go for the thug who’s beating you constantly........


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