ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(kerrileewalsh) - 12月18日 05時22分

The ? G I F T ? of good health is a beautiful gift to give and so, I’d like to share with you what our family leans on for #immunesupport during the winter months (& always when we’re feeling a bit off)

We are ALL about setting ourselves up for success in our household and these are some of the @standardprocess products we reach for when a little extra support is needed.
#echinecea •immunity booster •fights infection • speeds healing
#immuplex • supports healthy inflammation response •immunity support • high in antioxidants
#congaplex • immune support •supports thymus glad • supports the building of new cells • CHEWABLES are PERFECT FOR KIDS

My favorite of these three is CONGAPLEX. Our kids eat the chewables when we sense a cold coming on. I used congaplex while I was breast feeding, A LONG TIME AGO, so my babies would get an extra boost of fortifying support through my milk - GENIUS! This gave me great peace of mind.
I’m writing this as a proud ambassador for this company that I trust so very much. Their integrity & efficacy are unmatched. ?
Which #StandardProcess products are your favorites?!


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