Jessica Wrightのインスタグラム(jesswright77) - 12月12日 05時52分

This year is coming to an end & so many of my views have changed about pretty much everything but one of them is how much I & others mask ourselves with make up & filters, social media & the fakeness of so much of it & the ability to lose ourselves in this fake world of insecurity filled pictures. School, 6th form & university but the most important lesson I should have ever been taught is to love myself. Don’t get me wrong, I love glamming up like the rest of us & will be posting lots more muggy pics of me done up to the nines ? but I’ve finally got to a point in life where I accept who I am without all the make up & actually quite like it. I’m posting this no make up selfie because I have rarely had the confidence to ever do so until now so I’m gonna make a special effort to show the real me more often, behind the filter. (Granted, this is in a dark setting with a few individual eyelashes on but we’ve got to start somewhere ;) ) also my skin is feeling amazing from a facial with @frankandroseofficial @Harrods which by the way was one of the best facials I’ve ever had!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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