ロザリオ・ドーソンのインスタグラム(rosariodawson) - 12月10日 02時40分

Preach! Can’t believe I got to know and love and be loved by you since you reached out to me at 19 for your 1999 remix album. You told me you thought I was the voice of a generation....! Thank you for believing in me, challenging me and inspiring me still. You turned the world purple with your light. We all shine brighter in your glow... #Repost @ハンナ・シモン
Whenever I try to make sense of the world I remember that I was on a tv show with FREAKIN PRINCE and I was higher on the call sheet than him and I’m like there is no method to the madness so do whatever you want.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




