I was originally going to caption this photo “woke up in London” with a bunch of a fun emojis, but decided against it. Instead, I want to share a bit of what my day was actually like. Despite being in one of my favorite places on earth, I woke up just feeling - off. And that’s important for me to share because no matter where you are and what you’re doing, you can still just have a bad day for no reason at all. You realize that that perfect outfit you thought you’d packed didn’t make it into your suitcase. You change three times and just feel frumpy. You hate the way your hair looks, and your makeup just looks blah. You go to that location that you thought would be perfect to take a picture at and it doesn’t work out. You try 3 more spots and hate every single photo of yourself. None of these things are a big deal and you know it. You know how lucky you are to be anywhere in the world at all and you just feel guilty for feeling off. In the midst of all of that, I decided to just breathe in as deep as I could and let it go. Let the idea of taking a picture go, enjoy where you are. Notice the old man smiling at the same puppy you are staring at lovingly on the tube. Notice that the song the woman at the cafe is singing was one you played at your wedding - and have a small cry over that song because you’re due to start your period at any moment. Get a cup of tea, look around at where you are, and just start over. And then maybe, just maybe, you’ll end up with a picture at the end of the day while the sun is setting that you don’t hate. That’s what I did today. I’ll admit I feel guilty for even writing any of this out, but I felt like sharing. And at the end of it all, I feel so much better just saying it and moving on, off to enjoy a night in London with my husband. I’m so so lucky, and sometimes forget it.

prettylittlefawnさん(@prettylittlefawn)が投稿した動画 -

コートニー・ハルヴァーソンのインスタグラム(prettylittlefawn) - 12月7日 01時27分

I was originally going to caption this photo “woke up in London” with a bunch of a fun emojis, but decided against it. Instead, I want to share a bit of what my day was actually like. Despite being in one of my favorite places on earth, I woke up just feeling - off. And that’s important for me to share because no matter where you are and what you’re doing, you can still just have a bad day for no reason at all. You realize that that perfect outfit you thought you’d packed didn’t make it into your suitcase. You change three times and just feel frumpy. You hate the way your hair looks, and your makeup just looks blah. You go to that location that you thought would be perfect to take a picture at and it doesn’t work out. You try 3 more spots and hate every single photo of yourself. None of these things are a big deal and you know it. You know how lucky you are to be anywhere in the world at all and you just feel guilty for feeling off. In the midst of all of that, I decided to just breathe in as deep as I could and let it go. Let the idea of taking a picture go, enjoy where you are. Notice the old man smiling at the same puppy you are staring at lovingly on the tube. Notice that the song the woman at the cafe is singing was one you played at your wedding - and have a small cry over that song because you’re due to start your period at any moment. Get a cup of tea, look around at where you are, and just start over. And then maybe, just maybe, you’ll end up with a picture at the end of the day while the sun is setting that you don’t hate. That’s what I did today. I’ll admit I feel guilty for even writing any of this out, but I felt like sharing. And at the end of it all, I feel so much better just saying it and moving on, off to enjoy a night in London with my husband. I’m so so lucky, and sometimes forget it.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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