Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 12月4日 23時00分

A few months ago, Mike started putting on CNBC in the morning. I didn’t object because talking about shares and futures and markets seemed totally over my kids’ heads and way less frightening than the regular news. Then, at the wedding venue this past weekend, the kids found a room that looked like a board room. All of the cousins gathered around the big table and Mazzy went straight to the head of it. She leaned forward, slammed both hands down in a total power move and said, “Okay! Let’s buy a company! I suggest Amazon!” Then they all argued whether Disney, Apple or Amazon would be the most profitable. But Mazzy had a better idea— “We don’t have to buy just one! Let’s invest in all of them!” Apparently, my daughter has been paying attention to CNBC in the morning. I don’t think I understood stocks until I was in my 20s. After lots of back and forth, they decided to buy shares in sweet potatoes. Mazzy slammed her hands down again— “And then... we can make credit cards out of them!!!” Sounds like a money maker to me! #futureCEO


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