アンジェリーナ・ダニロヴァのインスタグラム(angelinadanilova) - 12月1日 16時45分

Fall film diaries. via my film gallery @freesoulfilms 🍁

I remember this morning like today.
When everyone was still asleep, I grabbed my camera and with eyes squinting against the sun I went out to explore.
The glamping place looked so different from what it was when I arrived at night.
It looked just like a peaceful kingdom from a fairytale.
With people sleeping in their tents, or someone walking around already awake, starting their day, preparing food or cleaning the place.
I genuinely felt a blessing.Being surrounded by friends and beautiful nature.
I don’t think I need anything else to be happy..


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Yumi Wongのインスタグラム
Yumi Wongさんがフォロー

