テイト・エリントンのインスタグラム(tateellington) - 11月27日 01時51分

Just doing some research based on The National Climate Assessment.
In all seriousness this terrifies the hell out of me. I have a 4 year old and an 8 week old. They deserve better from all of us. If we are going to continue to negate what the scientific community is screaming at us, then we are doomed. Why do we believe scientists when they tell us E. coli on our romaine is bad, but completely dismiss their pleas about climate change? Why do we even continue to teach science in school if we are not going to harness what that education teaches us? Why do so many living on this enormous floating marble inside a bubble find it so simple to comprehend an all seeing, all hearing, all powerful being, but completely reject the notion that we as “caretakers” of “The Almighty’s” creation are speeding its destruction. To put it in simpler terms, why do we crawl over each other to get out of the pool when someone shits in it, but are perfectly content to fill this floating fish bowl we all live in with as much shit as possible, swim around in it, drink it down, breathe it in, and all the while deny that the shit even exists.
I am guilty of these crimes, we all are. #climatechange #climatechangeisreal #climate #globalwarming


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