キアラ・フェラーニのインスタグラム(chiaraferragni) - 11月25日 23時29分

Love is the best feeling and It can really empower you and make you feel like you can do everything in the world. It can be tough at times, but NEVER accept a love that doesn’t treat you right. NEVER accept a toxic relationship, NEVER accept someone who doesn’t make you feel the best version of yourself and NEVER accept any kind of violence from the man you love. Violence is never normal, and should ALWAYS be reported. If you’ve been a victim of violence, find the courage to speak up. If you know someone that has been a victim of violence, help her to understand that It’s not ok and better things are waiting. Don’t be afraid, there will always be people willing to help you. Now it’s time to stop accepting these behaviours. Don’t be silent #ItsNotNormalThatItsNormal #NoViolenceAgainstWomen


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




