ウェイン・コインのインスタグラム(waynecoyne5) - 11月23日 16時10分

Yesssss!!! Tomorrow at all the cool record stores for @recordstoredayus The Mushroom Tapes comes out on Vinyl.... the Mushroom Tapes is a collection of songs that were made on a four track cassette recorder back in 1988.... Some of the tracks you’ll recognize as demos of songs that became In A Priest Driven Ambulance.. @_nathan_roberts_ @themercuryrev @mtekbot @kwkakwka @.. it was ( mostly) recorded at Michael’s parents house ( he , Michael , lived in a couple of rooms of the house while it ( the house) was up for sale .. his parents were already living in Bakersfield)...
#flaminglips #waynecoyne #theflaminglips #spongebobonbroadway #flaminglipsconcert #recordstoreday2018


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