ネネ・リークスのインスタグラム(neneleakes) - 11月19日 04時32分

After the unfortunate passing of @ladykp It has been a real eye opener for me and how much sisterhood means! I believe friendship is just as important & precious as family! You must tend to them as you do family. The ones that last, transform, evolve and inspires. That friendship is REAL! Yes friendship takes work just as any relationship does. This is why it is important to foster the friends who surround you, who want the best for you, who are there for you, who love you for YOU, who’s presences in your life and yours in theirs is beneficial. Don’t take that for granted! Inspire, encourage, listen and uplift each other because tomorrow isn’t promised!....I don’t know why this came to me, i just know i needed to say it and somebody needed to hear it! @garcelle Happy Birthday friend! I wish you love peace and happiness. Thank you for loving me for ME❤️?? #swipe


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