エミリー・シアーズのインスタグラム(emilysears) - 11月18日 02時13分

Good morning loves! Quick @1stphorm Vegan Power Pro shake for breakfast this morning before I start my weekend off with a hike 😇 If you’re vegan, or just cutting dairy from your diet or even if you just want a great protein shake this is a great go to! Finding convenient healthy breakfast options can be tough-this shake is really thick so it’s super filling and it tastes good too, and if you prefer a thinner shake you can easily just add more almond milk 😋
Thanksgiving is coming up and I’ve been thinking lately how crazy it is that we all wait for a holiday that is one day to feel thankful. Or how we wait til New Years to make a resolution?? There’s no reason why you can’t feel thankful every single day at least for something, there’s no reason you can’t set and make goals every single day to put you on the path to being where you want to be. Don’t fall into the trap of waiting for the right moment, such as a holiday cause everyone else is doing is. Create your own moment now and change your mindset to put you on the right path at the right pace for you!
#holidays #goals #weekend #supplements #shake #love #breakfast #vegan #iam1stphorm #fitness #healthy #fit #duespaid


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




