カーリー・パターソンのインスタグラム(carlypatterson04) - 11月16日 03時11分

Some days can be hard and make you feel like you’re failing when you see all of the positive, happy posts everyday that depict this picture perfect family, life, baby, etc. In reality it’s not always rainbows and unicorns. Sometimes it can be messy and tiring and it’s all you can do to make it through the day. Tuesday was one of those days for us. Sick baby and a very tired momma doing my best to get him well, while staying well and being 26 weeks pregnant. I feel like not many people talk about how hard being a parent is. It is truly the hardest thing I have ever done. So when you’re scrolling and you think everyone is making life look so easy breezy, just remember we all have days on the struggle bus! Side note: I should have listened when people told me the newborn stage was actually the easy part? #momlife #reallife


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