ケイト・ナッシュのインスタグラム(katenash) - 11月13日 10時29分

Hi, warning pls don’t swipe along the pics if u r feeling sensitive. They will make you cry. But also, seeing and feeling stuff makes us human and empathetic and helpful. Thanking @lafdfoundation @vcanimalservices @animalhopeandwellness @vcasbunnybrigade @redcrossla @cafirefound please make donations to any of these tagged places if you can. Donald Trump get your facts right, I mean as usual, but srsly this one is kind of insane?To anyone in LA with space, please adopt an animal if you can. It can be a temporary adoption. If you can home an animal it will help make room for other animals that need homes right now. Wake up call to take care of our beautiful planet as best we can. Sending love out there. ❤️


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