サラ・ライトのインスタグラム(swrightolsen) - 11月12日 13時53分

About last night .. I attended the @baby2baby gala where over $4.3 million dollars was raised (you crushed it @ビジー・フィリップス and @itsjuliebowen ) to provide all of the beautiful children we serve with the things they need most. Eric stayed home with our babies in the midst of all that is happing in our city. Today more then ever the #Baby2Baby disaster relief efforts focus on getting urgently needed items to the families most affected by the devastating and ongoing California fires. So many have lost everything. We have had lots of people writing in looking for ways to help. Our family and friends took food, wipes, And lip balms to our local fire stations and they will continue to need support as these days press on. If you are looking for ways to help Please donate at the registry tgt.gifts/Baby2BabyCAFires2018 you can find a link in my bio #campfire #hillfire #woolseyfire #pleasehelp


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