So I decided with my worlds vids I’ll let you guys in on my thought process a bit. What I felt, think & want to improve on. So if you just wanna see some snatch vids, stop reading here and swipe lol. - - - I see technique as very individualized depending on person, body structure, strengths/weaknesses (which change throughout career therefore leading to technical adjustments), etc. rather than a one size fits all/this way or you’re wrong. Within certain standards of historical technique of the sport & what is proven to work of course. I’ve been criticized for doing too much of this, not enough that, etc but the fact of the matter is it works for ME. Can it be improved? Oh fuck yeah and I’m always working on it. I’m a very tall and long weightlifter, so there will be differences in my technique vs someone 7-8” shorter to be as efficient as I can be. - Overall, I’ve been working very hard on 1) staying over the bar, 2) staying patient in the hips, 3) LEG DRIVE 4) finishing jump/extension and not cutting it short (leading to less bar elevation), 5) immediate transition into high pull rather than an out then up from hips (“swing out”). Here’s my breakdown lift by lift: - - 1st: very hesitant with placement of bar, whether due to nerves or sitting for a while between last warm up & first attempt idk. Not my fav, but not terrible.- - 2nd: fav snatch of the day. More aggressive & comfortable, still not happy with transition from hips to high pull. - - 3rd: felt very strong, kind of ripped it a lil more than necessary. Funky catch from that + still not great/straight pull into push under, but again not terrible. - - Past beginner/intermediate level lifting, it’s not so much doing drill after drill to fix things, rather more of just constantly reinforcing and actively focusing on what needs to be fixed. I want to feel the issues in the full lift and be able to address them in THAT movement, rather than only spot fixing and waiting for it to transfer over to the full lift. Isolating the issue with drills/variations of the movement is important, but FEELING what is happening in the full lift and being able to make changes to that movement is more important in my opinion.

mattierogersolyさん(@mattierogersoly)が投稿した動画 -

マッティ・ロジャーズのインスタグラム(mattierogersoly) - 11月12日 05時36分

So I decided with my worlds vids I’ll let you guys in on my thought process a bit. What I felt, think & want to improve on. So if you just wanna see some snatch vids, stop reading here and swipe lol. -
I see technique as very individualized depending on person, body structure, strengths/weaknesses (which change throughout career therefore leading to technical adjustments), etc. rather than a one size fits all/this way or you’re wrong. Within certain standards of historical technique of the sport & what is proven to work of course. I’ve been criticized for doing too much of this, not enough that, etc but the fact of the matter is it works for ME. Can it be improved? Oh fuck yeah and I’m always working on it. I’m a very tall and long weightlifter, so there will be differences in my technique vs someone 7-8” shorter to be as efficient as I can be. -
Overall, I’ve been working very hard on 1) staying over the bar, 2) staying patient in the hips, 3) LEG DRIVE 4) finishing jump/extension and not cutting it short (leading to less bar elevation), 5) immediate transition into high pull rather than an out then up from hips (“swing out”). Here’s my breakdown lift by lift: -
1st: very hesitant with placement of bar, whether due to nerves or sitting for a while between last warm up & first attempt idk. Not my fav, but not terrible.-
2nd: fav snatch of the day. More aggressive & comfortable, still not happy with transition from hips to high pull. -
3rd: felt very strong, kind of ripped it a lil more than necessary. Funky catch from that + still not great/straight pull into push under, but again not terrible. -
Past beginner/intermediate level lifting, it’s not so much doing drill after drill to fix things, rather more of just constantly reinforcing and actively focusing on what needs to be fixed. I want to feel the issues in the full lift and be able to address them in THAT movement, rather than only spot fixing and waiting for it to transfer over to the full lift. Isolating the issue with drills/variations of the movement is important, but FEELING what is happening in the full lift and being able to make changes to that movement is more important in my opinion.


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