アン・カーティスのインスタグラム(annecurtissmith) - 11月10日 14時28分

Part of my anniversary gift from @erwan. He fostered a little orphaned elephant in my name. We visited her yesterday. Her name is Enkesha. Born a day after my birthday ? She had to be taken in because of a horrible wire snare that was wrapped around her little trunk. It now has a little hole in it because when she was much smaller she somehow was able to take the stitches out. Kulit. She’s sooo cute when she sleeps though. She puts her little trunk up on that blanket behind her and just lets it rest there. If ever you visit Kenya, a visit to @dswt is a must. There are so many little elephant calf’s that have been rescued and you get to learn about all their stories - where they were found and why they had to be saved ? #ERWANNEderlust #ERWANNEderlustAFRICA


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