ヒラリー・クリントンのインスタグラム(hillaryclinton) - 11月8日 02時29分

Congratulations to all the voters, volunteers, organizers, and candidates who voted last night to put a powerful check on this administration and start building a better future for everyone in our country.⁣

It was a historic night in so many ways: For the first time ever, over 100 women were elected to Congress—including a record number of women of color. ⁣

To call out just one: The inspiring Lucy McBath became an activist for common-sense gun reform after her son, Jordan, was shot and killed. This cycle, she ran for Congress in a heavily Republican district in Georgia—and it looks likely she will win.⁣

These historic firsts are important not just because representation matters (and it does), but because these extraordinary women will bring perspectives that have been absent from our policy debates for far too long.⁣

None of these victories would have been possible if people had simply given up after the heartbreak of 2016. They belong to all the volunteers and candidates who worked impossible hours, logged hundreds of miles, and knocked on countless doors. ⁣

Win or lose, what you've built will continue long after last night.⁣

Our work is far from over. As we celebrate our wins, let's be clear about what's ahead. This is a crucial step in a long road to repairing our democracy. It'll take all of us to do it. What a start this is.


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