ジャン=リュック・ベイカーのインスタグラム(jeanlucbaker) - 11月5日 02時34分

Happy Birthday to this very special person. I’m very lucky to have made some of the best memories over the past 6 years with you. Thank you for always believing in me, supporting me, trusting me, learning and teaching with me. Thank you for laughing with me and a lot of the times at me! Thank you for accepting me and all that I am. Thank you for being you. I hope all your dreams come true and I will do everything I can to help accomplish them with you!
Happy Birthday, K haw!
#thecoolest #kaitlinhawayek #hawayekbaker #usfigureskating #advetureawaits #happybirthday #imthankful #gettingold


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