ステラ・ハジェンズのインスタグラム(stellahudgens) - 11月1日 03時48分

I’m so happy to announce I’m an ambassador for Ralph Lauren’s Pink Pony campaign. I chose the word powerful because we’re in a time where women are rising up and taking charge of their lives. It’s extremely empowering and I stand beside any woman AND man who choose to take the steps to be the best version of themselves they can be & to thrive through our challenges. Even though it’s impossible to always control our situations & circumstances, we CAN control how we react to them. As some of you may know, my dad passed due to cancer almost three years ago now, and though it’s something that’s still extremely difficult, I actively choose to be grateful for what I have and the chance to have had him in my life for the time I did. Being grateful gives you power to see life through the lens of love and to inspire and impact those around you. So, ladies and gentlemen, we have the power to change the world. So let’s begin today, shall we? ? #PinkPony #RLFragrancepartner


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Jack Baranのインスタグラム
Jack Baranさんがフォロー
