カーリー・ウォパットのインスタグラム(carlywopat) - 10月30日 10時14分

My current training values, in order:
1. Health & functionality
2. Volleyball skill & game development
3. Physicality, power, & speed
I think it’s important to know what your values are as an athlete, so you can plan and act accordingly. I am always pushing myself to my limits and trying to improve, but I can’t do so blindly. I have to keep in mind that health & functionality is my number one priority, because I’m the type of person that will work until I break. Unfortunately, you can’t do anything when you’re broken.. and life is pretty miserable. Recovery, rehab, and low intensity work are therefore just as important, or more important, than high intensity training. Volleyball also comes before physical training in my values, so I dedicate more time and energy to practice & competition than weightlifting, conditioning, etc.
You’ve got to find the balance that works for you! Your values may also change depending on where you are with your season, as you get older, etc. Don’t be afraid to re-evaluate and adapt.
Think about your values as an athlete, make a plan, and get to work.

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