モービーのインスタグラム(moby) - 10月26日 08時59分

I remember being a punk rocker in the early 80s. We used to write songs about people being fascists and nazis, when more often than not we were indulging in hyperbole. Which is why it is so demoralizing and baffling to realize that calling @ドナルド・トランプ and his supporters fascists and nazis is no longer hyperbole. They attack the judiciary, they promote violence against the press, they vilify minorities and lock them in camps, they applaud despots and dictators, they malign democracy. Trump wants to be a despot, like his friends Putin, Erdogan, Duterte, and kim jong un. We must stop him and the Republican Party who support him. Again: we must stop this before the United States becomes the totalitarian state that Trump and his racist supporters want it to be. It’s not hyperbole anymore. Pic @808_212 @plasticjesus YOU MUST VOTE!


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