My people ✨ Today i had it on my heart to bring a little bit of encouragement to any of you out there who are battling chronic illness and really wanting to start a family or have more kids and you are just feeling defeated and not sure if it’s in the cards for you. There was a time, not too long ago, where i was there too. I vividly remember when i first (accidentally) got pregnant with Rylee, just a year into our marriage, I was so so scared. I was battling food allergies and major digestive issues for years and the thought of carrying life inside of me honestly seemed impossible. I felt broken. I knew I definitely wanted children eventually but the thought of it at the time was just so far from my reality. I worried that my body wouldn’t be strong enough, that if i did make it through a pregnancy that i wouldn’t be fit to care for a baby when i could barely take care of myself....that i would never be able to be the mom that i wanted to be. (all lies i fed into). I called Rylee my miracle baby because she was the sweetest surprise in such a dark season and it was through my pregnancy with her that my food allergies disappeared and healthy digestion was restored. Since then, other autoimmune conditions have surfaced that i still battle today, but you guys, i have three kids now and a full time job and several illnesses and chronic pain and i still feel like I’m a pretty good mom! I have proved my younger self so wrong. My life is far from perfect (and yes, of course there are days where i’m exhausted and suck at all.the.things) but I’m here to say THERE IS HOPE. The road might not be easy but you can still find joy and beauty in pain. We can do hard things. And even though you’re sick, it doesn’t mean your future is doomed. I think a lot of us women are so much more capable than we give ourselves credit for. Just cheering for all you hopeful ladies out there. I’m still believing that complete healing is ahead of me, and you too...but until then, grace and baby steps. 💛

kelli_murrayさん(@kelli_murray)が投稿した動画 -

ケリー・マレーのインスタグラム(kelli_murray) - 10月25日 02時42分

My people ✨
Today i had it on my heart to bring a little bit of encouragement to any of you out there who are battling chronic illness and really wanting to start a family or have more kids and you are just feeling defeated and not sure if it’s in the cards for you. There was a time, not too long ago, where i was there too.
I vividly remember when i first (accidentally) got pregnant with Rylee, just a year into our marriage, I was so so scared. I was battling food allergies and major digestive issues for years and the thought of carrying life inside of me honestly seemed impossible. I felt broken. I knew I definitely wanted children eventually but the thought of it at the time was just so far from my reality. I worried that my body wouldn’t be strong enough, that if i did make it through a pregnancy that i wouldn’t be fit to care for a baby when i could barely take care of myself....that i would never be able to be the mom that i wanted to be. (all lies i fed into).
I called Rylee my miracle baby because she was the sweetest surprise in such a dark season and it was through my pregnancy with her that my food allergies disappeared and healthy digestion was restored. Since then, other autoimmune conditions have surfaced that i still battle today, but you guys, i have three kids now and a full time job and several illnesses and chronic pain and i still feel like I’m a pretty good mom! I have proved my younger self so wrong. My life is far from perfect (and yes, of course there are days where i’m exhausted and suck at all.the.things) but I’m here to say THERE IS HOPE. The road might not be easy but you can still find joy and beauty in pain. We can do hard things. And even though you’re sick, it doesn’t mean your future is doomed. I think a lot of us women are so much more capable than we give ourselves credit for. Just cheering for all you hopeful ladies out there. I’m still believing that complete healing is ahead of me, and you too...but until then, grace and baby steps. 💛


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