My beautiful Ama, I miss you already. I miss having random lunches with you in Klang. I would pick you up for lunch and we’d just hang out, most of the time in silence. If not for my dialect-inability, I’m sure we’d have said more to each other. But being with you was enough for me. I’d make random jokes in Hokkien with my limited vocabulary and then we’d eventually swap to Malay. I could see the love in your eyes everytime you looked at me and that was more powerful than any language I know. My mind races back to a time and place when things were ok. When you were able to show each and everyone of us how much you loved us and how important we all were to you. We knew that we were your life but I think some of us conveniently forgot. You showed us what it was like to be selfless and to devote your whole life to taking care of others. From your siblings to your children, and then you took it upon yourself to take care of your grandchildren. With the way things ended, I ask why. Because I see now we were not worthy of your love and generosity. I wasn’t ready for this. You had been around for much of my life that it seemed an unspoken promise you’d be around a little longer. My heart aches knowing you won’t be there when I walk down the aisle next year. In my head, you would’ve been at my wedding. You would’ve been there with your hair made up, wearing a new dress, the works! Because I know you would’ve loved that. You would’ve been so proud and that would’ve made me so so happy cause all I ever wanted was to make you proud. Finally though, you can breathe easy again. Finally you are now free and at peace. Finally you are reunited with Yeh Yeh. Finally, you are home with the Lord. Thank you for your unconditional love. Thank you for giving us more than we could have ever asked for. Thank you for all the memories and moments together. Everything we’ve shared will forever be filed in a special part of my heart. A place for only you and me, and there will be no space for hurt and suffering there. I love you more than you ever possibly knew. I will see you and Yeh Yeh again and I know you’ll both be waiting on me with open arms.

amandachaangさん(@amandachaang)が投稿した動画 -

アマンダ・チャンのインスタグラム(amandachaang) - 10月21日 18時07分

My beautiful Ama,
I miss you already. I miss having random lunches with you in Klang. I would pick you up for lunch and we’d just hang out, most of the time in silence. If not for my dialect-inability, I’m sure we’d have said more to each other. But being with you was enough for me. I’d make random jokes in Hokkien with my limited vocabulary and then we’d eventually swap to Malay. I could see the love in your eyes everytime you looked at me and that was more powerful than any language I know.
My mind races back to a time and place when things were ok. When you were able to show each and everyone of us how much you loved us and how important we all were to you. We knew that we were your life but I think some of us conveniently forgot. You showed us what it was like to be selfless and to devote your whole life to taking care of others. From your siblings to your children, and then you took it upon yourself to take care of your grandchildren. With the way things ended, I ask why. Because I see now we were not worthy of your love and generosity.
I wasn’t ready for this. You had been around for much of my life that it seemed an unspoken promise you’d be around a little longer. My heart aches knowing you won’t be there when I walk down the aisle next year. In my head, you would’ve been at my wedding. You would’ve been there with your hair made up, wearing a new dress, the works! Because I know you would’ve loved that. You would’ve been so proud and that would’ve made me so so happy cause all I ever wanted was to make you proud.
Finally though, you can breathe easy again. Finally you are now free and at peace. Finally you are reunited with Yeh Yeh. Finally, you are home with the Lord.
Thank you for your unconditional love. Thank you for giving us more than we could have ever asked for. Thank you for all the memories and moments together. Everything we’ve shared will forever be filed in a special part of my heart. A place for only you and me, and there will be no space for hurt and suffering there. I love you more than you ever possibly knew. I will see you and Yeh Yeh again and I know you’ll both be waiting on me with open arms.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



