レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 10月18日 23時31分

It's unbelievable to me that a person in government could insult any American citizen, let alone the person living in the White House insulting citizens! What's even more atrocious is those of you that defend this behavior! It's not a Republican or Democrat issue either! It's about your morals! It used to matter how people made you feel! For some of you it doesn't matter anymore! Call me old fashioned but the people that represent me and the people of this country should always speak and act with integrity. This guy isnt it! If you defend this behavior please don't comment on here just unfollow me please!! This November 6th we must all be ready to vote and put people in place that will lead with integrity and courage and not bullying and shaming. #registertovote #notmypresident #unpresidential #wemustprotectwomennotshamethem #aconcernedcitizen #whatifhecalledyourmomadog


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