ヨランダ・ハディッドのインスタグラム(yolanda.hadid) - 10月13日 07時56分

❤️Looking good feeling bad.......... the invisible disability of chronic neurological Lyme disease.... After a wonderful year in remission I just found out that my Lyme is active again after 6 years of consistent treatment. I trust god doesn’t give me more then I can handle and that the higher purpose of this journey isn’t complete so I will continue to be a voice for those who can’t be heard.
Unfortunately the CDC keeps denying that chronic Lyme exists, health insurances covers 2-4 weeks of doxycycline and then patients are left to fight for themselves which ultimately financially devastates them while struggling to stay alive.

Although battling severe symptoms I came out last night to support the Global Lyme Alliance because the injustice of this disease keeps me awake at night.

I continue this fight not only for 2 of my 3 children but all the children in the world affected by this devastating and debilitating disease.

The world came together so beautifully to find a solutions for the AIDS epidemic which started a decade after the first case of Lyme disease was diagnosed in 1972.

We all deserve equal treatment and a cure affordable for all so let’s fight together for a Lyme Free World.

#LymeDiseaseAwareness #WeMustFindACure #AffordableForAll


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