ウド・ノイマンのインスタグラム(_udini_) - 10月12日 17時58分

My recent post about shoulder health raised some interesting questions, for example "if more female than male climbers are injuring their shoulders?“
I think we have to distinguish between pulling and hanging here. While there is no question that males have stronger shoulders for pulling with their lats, that can make them also more prone to over-recruiting their lats when hanging. Since the lats are humeral adductors, internal rotators, and shoulder extensors, this can cause problems in maintaining humeral external rotation.
Add this to a flaring rib cage caused by lack of overhead mobility and less than ideal scapular motion, and you’ve got a perfect storm of shoulder problems, regardless of gender!
In this montage, what I consider „hanging behavior" is pictured, both climbers show ideal alignment imho, just the head tilting of the right climber might be interesting to look into.
#bouldering #shoulders #Scapulohumeralrhythm #kinematicinteraction #Arthrokinematics #Suspensorybehavior #brachiation #climbingtechniqueofthe21stcentury #climboid


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