ケリー・オックスフォードのインスタグラム(kellyoxford) - 10月12日 05時11分

I was lost, self-medicating with drugs and alcohol 24/7. My mom took this photo, hoping to show me how bad things had become.
I didn’t have a circle of friends, I had one friend. I broke the fuck down. I threw up and stayed in a bed for a month. I saw nobody. I felt nothing.
If you’re in crisis right now, please know it will pass, it may take years, weeks, days, but it will pass. Life can be really hard and overwhelming but that’s okay, everyone goes through this. If you’re feeling like you’re breaking, if you’re feeling helpless or sad, reach out to that one friend, family member or doctor.
Know that things will get better. ❤️
Thank you @angelaabrown for always being there for me. #worldmentalhealthday #nationalcomingoutday #internationaldayofthegirl


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