ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(kerrileewalsh) - 10月11日 19時31分

?? You can’t fake passion ?? As I chase/commit to/eagerly take on this final #olympic run, this thought keeps running through my mind .... “I grew up amongst a dying breed.” Thanks, 2pac ?

Our sport is full of truly amazing and inspiring individuals- - always has been. I am proud to be on the @fivbbeachvolleyball + @platform1440 tours with such gifted, inspired and dedicated athletes.
Something, however, that has been obviously waning these past years, but that I believe is on the rise is ? P A S S I O N ? True passion can not be faked and I feel so fortunate to have grown up in the game with some absolute LIONS ? They fought, they clawed, they made people uncomfortable, they were unapologetically competitive + willing to ROAR when needed.
The people above made a huge impact on me ? Their PASSION, made an impact on me. I hope to always play with such fire. It’s healthy, it’s fun, it shows you care, and it’s inspiring.
Cheers to those who play with their ♥️ on display. I see you // I’m inspired by you ✨


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