ブランカ・パディラのインスタグラム(blancapadilla) - 10月11日 05時17分

Lost in gratitude. #worldmentalhealthday reminds us that your fight is yours and nobody will entirely know how it feels like or will fight it for you, meaning everyone has their very own battles going on. That’s exactly why this world desperately needs for us to be more of a listener, less of a severe judge to others (and ourselves!). Ask yourself questions from where you’re at to find what would make you feel better, more alive, more you. And take the step towards that fire. Life wants you to be brave and shine. It doesn’t matter where you’re at. That one step, which may be the smallest or most significant thing for you, is the one thing that matters. Keep on evolving because you can do it.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




