ニッキー・サンダーソンのインスタグラム(niknaksanderson) - 10月11日 03時20分

This is the first time I have openly and publicly admitted this, as like so many, I had been ashamed and embarrassed... I have suffered with depression in the past ....but, after medication, therapy and having my amazing family and friends, I beat my demons. I was lucky.

A smile can hide a thousand tears of pain,
A laugh can hide the sound of mental torture,
The words “honestly, I’m ok” hide the truth of “help me, I’m breaking”. I hid how I felt for a long time, lied to my family and friends, but more importantly, I lied to myself, ashamed to admit I had a problem. It’s only now I know, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

You may not be able to see certain mental illnesses, but the person going through it can most definitely feel it.
So please, be kind always ❤️ #worldmentalhealthday #love #strength #yourenotalone #support #help #depression #itsokaynottobeokay


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