のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 10月4日 21時02分

So I realized that I’m holidaying in my favorite city in the world yet I’m spending most of my time on my smart phone. Eat a meal - IG story. Waiting for the train - check IG feed. This is FOMO (fear of missing out) which I feel for the endless events happening on social media. But what exactly am I missing out? Other more important things. LIVING THE REAL LIFE. This has to change. I’ll be doing a #digitaldetox with #POSBjomo in light of children’s day. Instead, I will be giving JOMO (Joy of missing out) a go! It will be great for us - I’ll take my life offline for two days on 6 & 7 October. I just wanna go to a park with @cheesiepetit, eat ice creams, smell the flowers (osmanthus is in season now!!???). Just a little private session for the 3 of us and not sharing it with the rest of the world or wanting to know about the rest of the world. I’m calling my mommy friends join my digital detox too @themizzeve @bongqiuqiu @carrie2706. .
Swipe left to see me and POSB logging out for the weekend! I will share with you my experience of this digital detox next week! #SP


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





