instagoodのインスタグラム(instagood) - 10月1日 13時21分

@tea_for_taryn The alarm clock goes off and we stumble into our showers and shoes, and steaming bowls of breakfast ramen; wiping the cobwebs from our eyes. Our sunrise missions have become a synchronised dance of checklists, sleepy yawns and “Wait, what do you mean you didn’t pack my socks?”
We make our way in the dark down the hill to the Boseong green tea plantations. The horizon has not a skyscraper in sight and there’s carefree freedom in being out of the city.
It is opening time. We’re the first ones at the gate. The splendour and magic are ours alone. The light is golden and the air is cool and fragrant. We stare in silence at the culmination of both man and nature working in peaceful harmony.
Mountains have seen so many things, and the rain has lived so many lives; and we are all so new, and fresh, and clumsy here; but holy moly, what exquisite things we can do when we try.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




