クインシー・ジョーンズのインスタグラム(quincyjones) - 9月30日 08時32分

“Learn to deal with the valleys, the hills will take care of themselves.” This is what the great Count Basie used to tell me when we were out on the road. He was my idol, mentor, father figure, & brother (whatever I needed him to be as a young kid in my twenties) & taught me how to survive in the music business...He also made me learn the importance of always being fair...One time he got me a gig in Hartford, Connecticut subbing his band to play for the Black Shriners. I got there with my band, (18 musicians strong) & only 709 people showed up when they were expecting 1,800. I collected the money for the gig & was about to leave town when Basie showed up unannounced & said “give the man half his money back.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! He said, “Your name was on the poster. You didn’t draw. That ain’t his fault. You have to meet this promoter down the road again, so give him the money back.” The lessons I learned from Basie were lessons that I could never have possibly learned at home. They’ve stuck with me ever since & it makes my soul smile to see young kids out here carrying it forward in 2018...That’s the power of your influence, & it’s up to U to figure out how to use it.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




