lifeのインスタグラム(life) - 9月26日 22時20分

From the December 1, 1961 animals feature: "FUN TO HAVE A MARGAY IN THE HOME." According to LIFE, "Stylishly ringed and striped, Montezuma the margay is probably the most elegant pet to be found in New York City. A small South American jungle cat, Monte finds life as interesting indoors as it had been in the Ecuadorian wilds where he was born. He leaps on the tops of doors and bookcases as if they were treetops, stalks pet birds and fur pieces as if they were his natural prey." This image ran in the story with the following caption: "Jumping down, Monte gets off the top of the cage where he had been sitting. He sometimes spends hours up there purring contently and peering over to look inside. The birds are undisturbed by him." (Al Fenn—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) #wildLIFEwednesday #margay #catsofinstagram


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