SPELLのインスタグラム(spell) - 9月23日 13時24分

Me schmoozing Leila at Oasis ?The number of times I got called a super mum, Superwoman or ‘doing it all’ this week was crazy, it was lovely and I get how it’s meant as a compliment, which is how I took it, but it’s just not the case. I’m not a super mum and I’m doing pretty much ONE thing at the moment which is being a mumma, and even at being a mumma I’m getting a LOT of help from my husband - who doesn’t like being called a super dad, because he feels what he does is just being a normal dad. I’ve done zero school drop offs and pickups since Lei was born, we had more meal drops offs than we could handle??, (even got a camping fridge in the laundry acting as a freezer), my team at work aren’t emailing unless it’s urgent, they’re absolute legends and god how I love my ‘away from office / maternity leave bounce back email thing’... I tell you who IS a super mum, my sis who was a working single mum for some years, or basically anyone who’s hubby can’t help, or who’s doing it on their own, or who has a sick child, or who is a carer... to all those mums... YOU. ARE. SUPER. But then I guess we all are, just trying our best, to you know, keep them alive.? ??? xx Lizzy #spelloasis


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