Ilana Wilesのインスタグラム(mommyshorts) - 9月20日 10時04分

Since you guys seemed to appreciate my explanation of Rosh Hashanah, I’ll tell you about Yom Kippur too. It’s a 24 hour fast (you can’t even drink water!) in which you atone for all of your sins from the past year. For parents, this is extra hard because we have to fast while feeding our kids. Gone are the days of sleeping late and riding it out. Now we have to wake up and cut strawberries, pour syrup over waffles, etc. Torture. If you go to temple and fast from sundown to sunset, God will forgive you and you can start the new year with a clean slate. At sundown, we all attend a “break fast” where everyone gorges themselves on bagels, lox and my favorite, whitefish salad. Break fast. Breakfast. Get it? That genius bagel display is courtesy of @littlemissparty and it’s a paper towel holder. How’s that for a break fast table decor hack! Hope all my Jewish friends had a good one! #yomkippur #bagels


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