マルガリータ・レヴィエヴァのインスタグラム(margaritalevieva) - 9月20日 06時00分

Today is Yom Kippur. In the Jewish tradition, this is a day of atonement. Roshashanna was last week and I had spent the week, leading up to this day, thinking of the people I may have hurt, situations where I need to seek forgiveness. On one of the nights, I ended up painting this piece. It just came to me, as clearly as the realization, that one of the people I need to forgive is myself. I thought of all the times I had abandoned myself by placing power in people or things outside myself, or allowed myself to judge myself harshly or speak negatively to myself. I can so easily turn up the volume on the voice of “not enough” or “not good enough”. Without a thought, I can fall into the pit of compare and despair. So, I’m sharing this with you, to remind you that you are your longest relationship, and your greatest friend. Please treat yourself that way. And remember there is no other person like you in the world. Sure there’s always room to mature and grow, but never a reason to beat up on yourself or turn your back on yourself. ❤️


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