メーガン・デュアメルのインスタグラム(meaganduhamel) - 9月19日 07時28分

"Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today". I am finally finished all my studies. Sometimes in the past year and a half, as I juggled writing an exam and preparing for the Olympics, I thought I would go crazy. But I knew it would be worth it. I have plans to start a wellness program for athletes but first I need to take a deep breathe. For a few days. Then go on a 2 month tour across Canada. Then I will readdress my plans to work in the nutrition and wellness world. Thank you @csnnnational and @aliveacademy for allowing me to expand my knowledge with your Holistic Nutrition Programs! ? #holisticnutritionist #wellness #nutrition #aliveacademy #csnn #learning #growth #holistichealth #donestudying #fornow


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