ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 9月18日 09時40分

“Although activism is the driving force behind all of my work, it creates this impression of seriousness or that I won’t make mistakes, and that’s daunting, because I’m not always serious, and of course I’ll make mistakes.” Amandla Stenberg, the star of @thehateugivemovie, has become synonymous with a volatile strain of youthful, social-media-fueled, hyper-progressive celebrity. Like other socially minded films this year, #TheHateUGive — a searing family drama and coming-of-age story that trails the toppled dominoes of systemic racism in a nominally integrated town — sees raw material in the magma of news headlines and social media hashtags. But @amandlasponsored’s star turn does the most critical load bearing, @ugwu writes. By unifying her creative and political ambitions, the 19-year-old has fueled the potential for both self-expression and self-exposure. That the 2 are inextricable can be bruising. But it can also be a source of strength. “I hope I always make work that is reflective of what I believe in,” said Amandla, who was photographed here by @jokimbo. “If art isn’t personal, then it doesn’t speak to me.”


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