Vogue Taiwan Officialのインスタグラム(voguetaiwan) - 9月17日 14時28分

@Burberry 倫敦攝政街121號的全新旗艦店,在新任全球設計總監 @リカルド・ティッシ 的創意下,不只用19種卡其色調,讓店裝看起來經典優雅,直覺能聯想Burberry 的Trench Coat風衣,也運用到這棟建築物曾經是劇院的元素???
與知名藝術家Graham Hudson 合作的大型裝置藝術Sisyphus Reclined亦在其中展出,這個三層裝置頂方有幾十台相機,每天進行拍攝會傳到一樓的機械手臂刻出3D作品擺至其中,以此象徵不斷的改變和新生。

The latest renovated flagship store of @Burberry is located at No.121 Regent Street, using 19 kinds of different tonality of Burberry classic trench coat color to create a sense of harmony British vibe.
The art work “Sisyphus Reclined” created by artist Graham Hudson as well placed in the store, the three floor tall art works equipped with more than 10 cameras ? to capture, and then by using 3D tech to creat another artwork, this process depicted the changing and evolving idea of new Burberry

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