レナ・ダナムのインスタグラム(lenadunham) - 9月13日 08時01分

There is so much at stake right now - if often feels like we as New Yorkers, as women, are under attack. We need a governor who will fight with us - on everything from passing universal healthcare to protecting reproductive rights and women's bodies. Andrew Cuomo hasn't, but @シンシア・ニクソン will.
New York has NEVER had a female governor. New York has NEVER had an openly gay governor. Our politics need to reflect our world + with women speaking up every day about and against mistreatment (often at the most systemic and deeply entrenched levels), fighting tirelessly for a seat at the table, Cynthia Nixon and the incredible success of this campaign so far has proven that women's voices need to be lifted up and represented at every level of government, now more than ever.

Tomorrow's election is incalculably important. We are standing at the precipice of a new dawn in progressive politics. For the first time in a very long time, I feel hopeful. I feel empowered. I feel mobilized. I feel proud to vote for Cynthia Nixon as New York State's 57th Governor - and you should too.

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