Botham Jean was killed last night by a white female cop in his OWN apartment, unarmed and she claims she thought he was an intruder in her apt? What?!Then the tragic shooting of Jeffrey Dennis happened last week, so I felt like I needed to repost my song Colours on the Ground. I wanted to bring attention to the senseless murders that continue to plague our country. I wrote this song 2yrs ago and I feel like the situation just keeps getting worse. All these tragic shootings of unarmed men must stop! Racial Profiling must stop! Recently 18yr old Akil Carter was arrested for riding home from church with his grandma and her friend because they were white. One of my grandma’s is white. I recently experienced being questioned for being in a predominately white setting with my family. I was questioned why I was there and my family was also questioned about me. This is being Black in America. I later found out that the lady called because we were “big black men” and she was scared. If the police we’re called it could have escalated to what? 12yr Reggie Fields was just trying to mow a lawn to earn money, then the white neighbors called the police on him. This is Black in America where every situation can be escalated, cops panic and willingly shoot. . Sometimes when I see the news I don’t want to look because I get so upset but we have to stand up, we have to remember, be aware, be careful and we have to pray. ?? #BothamJean #JeffreyDennis #EricGarner #TamirRice #TrayvonMartin #AltonSterling #PhilandoCastile #FreddieGray #MichaelBrown #EricHarris #SandraBland #WalterScott #JeremyMcDole and so many more #neverforget #handsupdontshoot #takeakneee #blackinamerica #blacklivesmatter #allweneedislove #coloursonthrground #linkinbio

trevorjackson5さん(@trevorjackson5)が投稿した動画 -

トレバー・ジャクソンのインスタグラム(trevorjackson5) - 9月8日 05時46分

Botham Jean was killed last night by a white female cop in his OWN apartment, unarmed and she claims she thought he was an intruder in her apt? What?!Then the tragic shooting of Jeffrey Dennis happened last week, so I felt like I needed to repost my song Colours on the Ground. I wanted to bring attention to the senseless murders that continue to plague our country. I wrote this song 2yrs ago and I feel like the situation just keeps getting worse. All these tragic shootings of unarmed men must stop! Racial Profiling must stop! Recently 18yr old Akil Carter was arrested for riding home from church with his grandma and her friend because they were white. One of my grandma’s is white. I recently experienced being questioned for being in a predominately white setting with my family. I was questioned why I was there and my family was also questioned about me. This is being Black in America. I later found out that the lady called because we were “big black men” and she was scared. If the police we’re called it could have escalated to what? 12yr Reggie Fields was just trying to mow a lawn to earn money, then the white neighbors called the police on him. This is Black in America where every situation can be escalated, cops panic and willingly shoot. . Sometimes when I see the news I don’t want to look because I get so upset but we have to stand up, we have to remember, be aware, be careful and we have to pray. ?? #BothamJean #JeffreyDennis #EricGarner #TamirRice #TrayvonMartin #AltonSterling #PhilandoCastile #FreddieGray #MichaelBrown #EricHarris #SandraBland #WalterScott #JeremyMcDole and so many more #neverforget #handsupdontshoot #takeakneee #blackinamerica #blacklivesmatter #allweneedislove #coloursonthrground #linkinbio


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