ウィル・ウィトンのインスタグラム(itswilwheaton) - 9月2日 08時36分

Here is today's #BobRoss effort. Its S02E01. I mostly cared about the mountains and sky, and I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I'm still really struggling to see the mountains in my mind before I out them out, but I think the shape of these is the best I've done so far.

The trees started out ok, and then they just went to hell. I think I was using too much paint and the canvas was just too saturated. You can see that my little yellow bushes got all fucked up in the center (nobody looks at the center, right?) and that's pretty disappointing, but I know how to not do that in the future.
The point of today was to work on mountains, though, and I got some good practice in on that. This photoset should show you how I progressed today.

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