のインスタグラム(daramuscatlab) - 8月29日 15時42分

Yesterday I’ve been talking with my mom. And she’s been a bit complaining about how sensitive and delicate I am. I am like that, I’m agree. I can be fun, can be a tomboy, can be free in whatever and to be a mess sometimes. But everything should be balanced. I’m coming home and I love clear colors and space and order around me. I love traditions, calmness, delicateness, tenderness and silence. I love when things having their own place, I love clear forms and shapes, I don’t like bright colors, noise and drama. I’m too serious. I love to breathe fully in my clothing, I prefer to feel cosy more than to feel attractive. I prefer to feel wholeness and air inside and around the shape itself whatever it is (clothing, chair, table, bed, picture). Jewelry design and clothing design became my constant search of balance between sense and openness to unknown, between soft and hard, between classic and weird, between simplicity and decorative, old and new, dreams about future and wiseness of past stories. Everyday I can’t stop wonder how we can see ourselves in every small detail of our being and what we are surrounded with, and in people around us too. Everything is a mirror, everything is a tiny piece of what we are or what we want to be, what we want to learn about. ✨?✨ How do you feel today? ?✨


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