ミシェル・オバマのインスタグラム(michelleobama) - 8月23日 05時57分

I learned the importance of voting from my father.  He had multiple sclerosis, and it was a struggle for him just to get out of bed and get dressed in the morning.  But on election day, no matter how sick he felt or how much pain he was in, he got himself to a polling place and cast his vote. 
For him, voting was a sacred responsibility because he knew it was the only way to make his voice heard and ensure his values were represented in the halls of power.  And that is especially true today in this upcoming election -- and every election.  So I hope you'll join me and the rest of the @WhenWeAllVote team during our Week of Action this September to get folks across this country fired up to vote this November. RSVP to an event near you or sign up to host your own: whenweallvote.org/events


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





