レスリー・ジョーンズのインスタグラム(lesdogggg) - 8月23日 01時38分

i have worked in comedy since ‘87. Not once did a male comic hit me!! They may have wanted to but I’m sure they thought twice. Plus I got friends and family that would stomp Jesus out they heart!If I don’t do it first. I’m saying no muthafucking man should be hitting a woman. To hear one of my fellow female comics had to endure this makes me sad on all levels. I’m especially mad at male comics who just sat there and let it happen!! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! Know this I know who you are now too! You should be ashamed! What the fuck happen to chivalry! I can’t even believe I have to post about this today!! So infuriated with situation! This girl had to suffer in silence cause she was too scare to say something. But IM NOT MUTHAFUCKA!! COME HIT ME!! YOUR ASS WILL LIMP AWAY IF YOU GET AWAY! BITCH!! So tired of bully men who do this! #youwillgetthekirkpatrickifyoutouchme #idontknowkaratebutiknowkrazor


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