タリブ・クウェリのインスタグラム(talibkweli) - 8月23日 00時10分

@majtoure from #blackgunsmatter sets up gofundme pages very often. For himself. Here’s a Nazi giving him 88 dollars. I can tell it’s a Nazi because 1 the person is going by “Adolf Hitler” and 2 because the donation amount is 88 dollars. H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, so nazis signal to each other using 88 (HH, Heil Hitler) as code. Hitler also famously hated “commies” which is why this Nazi wrote “the commies must not win.” What more proof do you need that Maj Toure & #blackgunsmatter is literally being funded by white supremacists and Nazis? Maj Toure proudly posted this screenshot on his own IG. Since when do people who are pro black proudly take Nazi money? Combine this with the fact that he came to harass me for no reason, RTing several Nazi and racist accounts, poses for pics w Tomi Lahren and Sheriff Clarke, gets endorsed by the NRA, hates feminism & dislikes Black Lives Matter even though he stole his name from them. Anyone who claims Maj Toure is pro black or down for black ppl in the face of all of this evidence is suspect. Pay attention to these snakes in the grass yall. We do not have the luxury to let these tools of white supremacy pretend they represent us. Ok I’m done now. What y’all do with this info will show me who’s who.


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